Monday, November 10, 2008

Word a day (6): Isaiah 54:2

SPREAD OUT... We as Christians are called and given the command to spread out. To take ground. We are at war with a crafty liar who is bent on keeping our spirit and faith trampled, keeping us from being territory takers for the kingdom. Taking territory in our schools, our jobs, our relationships, our lives. Think of the influence that could made on this earth if the church as a whole where constantly spreading the grace and love of God. This is a huge reason I have bought into the vision of my church. Christian City Church effect the city of Sydney and then just call it a day. It went after the world, planting 200 churches throughout Australia, New Zealand, Asia, Africa, Europe, the United Kingdom, and the United States. God has seen the heart of this movement and the leaders of it, and has honored them with the power to more than add to the Kingdom, but the power to multiply. 
So don't ever hide that light God has given you as His child. Share it. Use it. Take it as far as you can and then look back and see all that has been accomplished for His sake. 

word a day (5): Isaiah 54:2

AN ADDITION... When you are in a family that is growing you add on to the house. When an addition is made there is more room to move around and grow. It also increases the worth of the home. The usefulness of it. It is capable to hold more, which in turn, produces more. God has called to make room. To add onto ourselves. We do this by disciplining ourselves and committing time and energy. We make the effort, the room in our lives, and God will fill it with His presence, revelation, strength, confidence, and blessing.

Word a day (4): Isaiah 54:2

BUILD... There is always a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when you have completed something. To sit back and look at the finished project, seeing that you have actually done something. Created something. Built something. But you cant sit there in satisfaction until you have gone and worked, which usually is never easy. There are the times of blood, sweat, and tears that go into the building. In the parable of building your house on the firm rock foundation, we often just skim it and get the basic idea, but there is much more to the story. In order to get to the firm foundation, the builders had to get to the firm foundation, the builders had to "dig deep". They had to work to get to the foundation, to remove the rubble and sand that get in the way. God wants us to build. To build His house. To build up friends and leaders. To build ourselves. But before we can build and start seeing results we have to remove everything unwanted in the way, our sins, our past, our own selfish ambitions. They need to be removed so that the foundation is firm. So it wont crumble and fall. 

Monday, November 3, 2008

word a day (3): Isaiah 54:2

HOUSE... A dwelling place. Throughout the bible, the word house is often used to describe the church. Many churches are primarily used as a place to worship a couple days of the week, but I believe there is to much life in the church to just let it sit empty the rest of the the week. I would often, especially when I was in School of Ministry, be there everyday. Even if we were going to head into the city with friends, we would meet in the parking lot and just chill out there. There is a sense of comfort, a sense of belonging when your there. The feeling that you should have when sitting in your own room, but even more. It is often said that we are aliens to this earth as christians. That exemplifies why we feel so at home in the church. We are in the place were God comes and meets us every week. Our Father. He wants us to have a passion for the house. To build it. To maintain it.

Another use of the word "house" would be anyone of us. As believers, Jesus Christ lives WITHIN us. We house the Spirit. I hate to think of all the stuff we have within us and what we do to our body, and what kind of dwelling place we become. How it can possibly even effect God's presence in our lives. If we take into consideration that God is a flat-mate of ours, but even closer, what would He have to share space with. When we subject ourselves to a questionable movie, song, or even food, it is in us. In the same place God lives. We are told to maintain and keep it a pleasant place for God to work in and through.