Friday, June 15, 2012

Who's Manning the Post?

Welcome to the start of the Story of David and Goliath. For years now, David has been in the fields minding the family's sheep. This was the lowest job in the household, and definitely not the easiest. Stories are told of how he has to fight of wild animals, how he sits out there all on his lonesome for days at a time. 
Finally, one day his father comes to him with a new job. He is to go to the front lines of war and deliver some bread and grains to his brothers. Not only that but to go to their commanding officer and give him  some specialty cheeses and get a report to bring back on how his brothers are doing under him. This is a pretty big deal for David who has had very little human interaction in his father's fields. 
Though this was huge, what David does first is very important. Its imperative as leaders that we dont over look the first action we should take when asked to move into something new.

1 Samuel 17:20a (The Message)
"David was up at the crack of dawn and, having arranged for someone to tend his flock, took the food and was on his way just as Jesse had directed him."

David seeks out and finds someone to man the post. Before he sets out to accomplish the commission given to him, he makes sure that the responsibilities he is leaving behind are looked after. He doesn't leave it for his dad to figure it out, or just leave a whole in the system that produces an income for his families house hold. He makes sure his post is manned in his absence.

 In our fast paced lives, we are often moving between roles. Promotions at work. Leading a connect group. Filling roles in kids church, youth, service, production, or worship teams. When we are asked to move into something bigger or different, our mind immediately goes to what that new position will look like. What it means for our future. But David is a prime example, even at a young age, what our true calling in life is. Our God given "Great Commission"... 
to make disciples! 

Matthew 28:19-20
"19 Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, 20 and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age."

The whole first chapter of Proverbs tells us how important it is to teach. To learn. How important it is for us to have someone growing underneath us. Its how we learn to lead. How we prepare ourselves for bigger things. We should continually growing leaders to rise up from under us. If we dont share what we learn, it just sits in us. It doesn't have room to manifest. Like the mana God gave the Israelites in the desert, it molds and decays if not utilized immediately. Its when we reach out and impart into others that things spiritually and physically start into motion. When I tell someone about a revelation or experience, when I speak it out, I am hearing and re-experiencing what I have learned. Catching even more revelation and understanding. It benefits both parties. 

So invest!
The main turning points in my life have been when I have had a leader take the time, energy, and love to invest into me. When I was younger and started leading in our youth ministry in Atlanta, I continually made choices that made me feel ineligible to lead. It was simple. My perception was so internal it made my circumstances seem to massive to come back from. My pastors at the time, Travis and Adam, gave me the outside perspective and encouragement that I needed to get past my own insecurities. They took time out of their schedules of leading hundreds of teens and young leaders to mentor me. As a result from these coffees and meetings, I grew a deep respect for these leaders. I would then encourage them as often as I could. When they needed encouragement, I would be first in line to give it. When they needed help with anything, I would rush to volunteer. So invest in those you lead. 

Luke 6:38 (The Living Bible)
"For if you give, you will get! Your gift will be returned to you in full... Whatever measure you use to give- large or small- will be used to measure what is given back to you."

Invest time and you will receive time. 
Invest your love and you will receive love. 
Invest encouragement and you will receive encouragement.