Friday, October 31, 2008

Word a day (2): Isaiah 54:2

Day 2

YOUR... The Kingdom of Heaven is not a dictatorship; it is not a totalitarian kingdom. We do have one God who completely rules all and His law is iron clad and never changing, but He also wants us to have ownership. In a totalitarian society, a man is told what his job will be, where he will live, and is sometimes not even allowed to leave his country by the government. He has no ownership of his life. Children of God are not drones! He created us all in unique ways. He created melancholy artists. He created choleric managers. He created us all with a purpose in mind, with God given dreams in our hearts. He calls o us and when we finally hear that call and step into it, He wants us to take ownership of that calling. This ownership isn't a nose in the air, taking all the credit, big headed ownership. it is like if I were to go and buy stock in a certain company. I would devote all my needs that relate to that company, to that one particularly and not it's competitors. When talking to people about the company, I would make my case for that company, in which I have invested. When you invest in something, you want to see it grow. When we buy into a vision or calling for out life, we are taking ownership it. God has given me this desire, this city, this time, so I am going to take it on, full force, with devotion and time.
Taking ownership of something is taking responsibility. The story of God is massive and He asks us to take part in it. Just like in Jesus' journey to the cross, Simon of Cyrene took that cross, that calling, and went with it.
But it is still even more than taking responsibility, it is committing something. Time. Energy. Money. When we get the job of cleaning the lobby of our church before service every sunday, we own that job. We do it to our best abilities. When we get the job of leading a congregation into the presence of God on the worship team, we commit, we devote, we put our hearts into it. 

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