Wednesday, January 7, 2009

word a day (8): Isaiah 54:2

AND SPARE NOT... to spare is to hold back. Our God is not one who in known to hold back. To those who serve Him, He continually pours out abundance and blessing. Being made in 
God's image, would that not in-tale that we were never a people created to hold back. Sometimes work can bog me down, or something happens in my family that leaves me feeling low. There are even times when church can wear me out(you can account to this if you have been in bible college and have spent every single day of your week in the church). But not one of these is a legitimate reason to spare time or attention from God and His call in my life. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 9 that we not only are running a race, but we should be running so that we will win. We have to give it our all every day. This isn't a competitive race. We aren't competing to "get to God" before our peers, we are running out our own race. We are constantly challenging the pace we set the day before. The goal is to run with my eyes fixed on Christ. On His insurmountable love. On His grace that is undeserved. On His example he set before us and is available to us if we just open the pages of that book we only pull out for church services. The goal is for me to run this race, sparing no amount of energy, no amount of time, and no amount of effort.

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