Thursday, February 24, 2011

Ephesians 2

No matter the circumstance in a point in time we will feel like we don't belong. The devil loves this opportunity. He knows that there is strength and power when we join together so he takes every chance to capitalize on our division. He wants to convince us that we are in the wrong place. That we dont belong.
But God has called us to walk a certain path and He can and will use us in whatever circumstance. There is always a place for us with in the body. Imagine a church of ONLY creatives... there would be plenty of brilliant ideas, but without the more articulate, business minded, the idea would be much more difficult to come into fruition. There also needs to be those who are in between, who can convey what each side needs to the other, creating balance. We all have different backgrounds, gifts, and dreams, but one God. One spirit that works through us all. If we just all align to Him and His will, there is no stopping the Body we are apart of!

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